YungZone - يانج زون
Call Me - كول مي
[المقطع الاول]
(Yeah--- Ay Ay Ay Ay)
Liked Your Photo فلانة
Judo بفوت بصوته
بقوده Beatمش بركب الـ
Voodoo بسحلك مزيكا
بسحرها بوسامتي
يخرب بيت فخامتي
مش كل اللي يغني, يستاهل يتقارن جنب فني
الكاراتيه فادني في إيه؟
Snare و واحدة Kick واحدة
برزع دماغك في الشاشة
Share وبدوس بيها
ساعة برغي مع الغسالة بتقول ڤن ڤن
بيعمل فن فن Zombie ترجمتها في جوجل طلعت
I got three eyes play with time I got rhymes
These fuck n***as always runinn' form the fight
Keep your fucking distance
Keep your fucking distance damn
کسبانهم بالكلام I got two million dollars

(Shut the fuck up, You Little What
You Little Fuckin Little Little What, Little Dumb Bi-)(Mumbling)
[المقطع الثاني]
Aiming on building my name, I'm different I can't be the same
And Sorry I forgot about you I was playing Video Games
Businessman I own this place I need more space, I'm hard like bass
All my enemies now are friends cuz they tryna show Up in my frame
Shit n***a
Just rap n***a
Don't need to be in gang or shit n***a
If rap fucks your life what the benefit n***a
(If rap fucks your life what the benefit n***a)
Take a long way it's just a sniper, sniper
Make a long plan you can feel like us
Cuz it definitely feeling in my fibers and my vipers
[?] غلاسة
You can call me what you want I still believe in this yeah
Don't give a shit call me young digger digger dick yeah
Why my bitches calling me daddy, I don't even got kids
Fuck this
Cut this
Right now
Cut this

Fuck this fuck this fuck this
You can call me what you want I still believe in this
You can call me what you want I still believe in this
You can call me what you want I still believe in this
Believe in this