You Got NOFX’d
We can't claim innocence
And it wasn't coincidence
A longing for dissention
With no fear of reprehen...sion
Our plan was to make sure
Not to follow any plan

If you leave a show perplexed
You've probbaly been NOFX'd
We love to leave fans
Searching for an answer
Like a freight train runaway
The fucked up things we do or say
Will most likely cause a fabulous disaster

Punk rock in the 80's was a provate creepy bubble
We didn't just get
We searched for ways to get into unnecessary trouble
Take me back to the ride without a track

If you found yourself herpes complexed
You probably got yourself NOFX'd
We once used to spread like bad sex transmissed diseases
When you find your punk punch has been spiked
You've been Eric Melvined or Fat Miked
So don't expect any apologizes
If you've been mexed, kinky sexed
Jewed punk hexed or NOFX's
Get in the longest line
Cuz you're the next contestant
On the game show we invented
To keep you disoriented
Cuz it's still our jobs to keep punk rock elite