IRIS Official
Final Transmission
Father, I've found you at last. You thought you could hide away from me after all of these years... stuck in a tomb you created for yourself? It's come to my attention that you were once a well respected ruler. I want to thank you personally for providing me a friend when nobody else could be there for me. But I regret to inform you that this changes nothing.
Sure I can let by gones be by gones... but I have done exactly what you'vе asked of me. Rule ovеr my people with an iron fist... keep my own brother close at all times... keep the order. I'd like to think our people are still very devoted to our cause. And our new world order has made our world reborn. As should be.
You were a wreckless fool if anything... I can hardly call that careful thinking. And you were supposed to be a ruler for these people. I think we've done far more change for this world than you could have ever done in all the years you were in power.
You see. You can pick at a rose for long enough. But when all the pettles have fallen, will it ever be a rose anymore? I'm afraid your rose was doomed to fade long ago. And out comes a new bloom.
So, no... the past might have changed. And I might have come to terms with that reality... but our present day still exists. And here I am, still expected to live through it.
That ship had sailed long ago. Since nobody was ever there for me, I had to control a world that lost its soul. Stop an evil and mystical force from invading it. I had to bring my brother home and keep him locked away so he could never run from us again.
I needed to weed out the weakest people with our army of mecha monstrosities, and merge with the only friend I can trust in life. Now we are one with each other. You have no idea how much stronger you've made me. Something in me has changed. Care to look at my potential now, father?
*Evil laughter*
Like a needle in a balloon, I popped this wall right open! I don't think you quite planned for me to end up this way, but it was clear I was never going to make you proud. Even as you lay there rotting in Hell. What? You thought I didn't know you were in there? That's right, I know this is your coffin! And to think... you really pitied me that much that I needed a robot friend to keep me safe? You must have thought very little of me to get to that conclusion... so misguided.
Well, that has all changed... we are now far stronger as a unison than ever before. And there's not a damn thing that can step in the way of me and the renegade we have created. Not a damn think at all...
Hmph... well, that's rather bothersome... what do we have here?
*A hologram of Goliath appears*
Well well well. Our paths cross once more... Don't think I don't remember what you did to my plans. I remember that worm hole. And you thought you almost had me... now here you are, invading my home, taking my promised land.
Well, come at me, stranger... oh holy darkness you be, cast your worst. I swear upon all that is bleak and vengeful, I will be waiting for you... have at it! You cannot stop the Valentin Renegade!