I’m Too Funky
I’m too funky for this motha’ fucking building
I’m too funky for this motha’ fucking building
I’m too funky for this motha’ fucking building
I’m too funky for this motha’ fucking building
I’m too funky for my motha fuckin grandma
I’m too funky for my motha fuckin grandpa
I’m too funky for my mothafuckin iPhone
I’m to funky for my mother fuckin problems

I’m too funky for the fuckin salami
I’m too funky for the fuckin pastrami
I’m too funky for my physical body
I’m too funky for the mother fuckin portapoty
I’m too funky for the Pizza Hut
I’m too funky for the mother fuckin baby butt
I’m too funky for the SAT
Im to funky for this motherfuckin shiiiiiiiiiiii

(Good afternoon this is your Captian (?)
We'd like to thank you for flying SpaceBarn Airways
Destination to LoveTruth Colony in the 45th Nebula District west of the Galactic Space Barn. Sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of your life.)