Young JK
(Verse) This love feels so broken
I don't know what I'm hoping
I just feel like you don't know me
I don't feel like I'm your only
I just feel like you can´t show me
Anything to fight for why am I feeling lonely
Yeah we both feel like we are locked in
Yeah we both did the same thing
And now we both think like we are better off
Yeah we need to pull the same string
But it feels like you sound off
Fells like you never loved me at all
And now i think we are better off
By not seeing us at all
I hope you are happy with a better guy
Just wanted to let you know that you still cross my mind
Just wanted to let you know
That there are some nights
In which I think I still love you
But these are the feelings that I hide
Deep down inside
Of course i wish you the best
But i hate you for not being with me
I wish I could hate you less
I wish you could stay
I wish I could love you just for one more day
I wish I could make you stay
I wish I could hate you less
I didn't give you my heart for you to put it back in my chest
I'm just a 14 year old kid trying to follow my dream
But all this pain inside of me won't make me anything
Feelings are departing
Separating and swarming
Ending and are starting
Leaving without warning
Everything just seems plain
But you don't see the pain
Take a walk in my shoes
And you'll see the mistakes
That's how it is
And that's how it'll forever be
Don't you be saying that you were the one just helping me