Juno Songs
Battle! Wielder Volo WITH LYRICS

If you want to keep this world from disappearing, then face me in battle!
Not that you have a choice. Even if you don't wish to battle me, I'm not above using force to take those plates from you

You who hold the fragments
Of a broken god within your palm
Now face the one who has the will
To meet his eye and remake all
My ancestors smile upon my valor

With the weapons born from earth
Celestic knowledge from the past
I bend His monsters to my will
Among the spears of alabaster
Standing short of thе progenitor!

Still, you choose to struggle in vain
To savе a universe of pain?
Even if you stand again
You can't stop the rapture, stop the rain!

If this is what God calls good
Where spirit breeds a monster's heart
Perhaps it's time to redefine
What good is from the start!
You of all should know well
Cast aside, thrown to Hell
Soon, injustice shall be no more
In a universe governed by those
Who suffered most through toil and war!

Yet you stand before me
Guarding Heaven's gate?
Arceus shall know me
As I bear its weight!

Reaching to the sky
To touch the Hecatoncheries' hands
The power of God
I've long yearned to understand
I'll walk among Titans' lands!

I wish to touch the stars and share His name
And with the ancient power, this world will change
From the light come cleansing rain!

Rend apart the veil of God
In light and flame the world will burn
And when the ash clears, look upon
The new way that the wheel shall turn!
...Why? Why you?! Why do you have the blessing of Arceus?!
Why? How?!
I've devoted myself to Arceus beyond any other! I've worshiped it as the creator of our entire world! I bent all my passion and interest to its study!
All the time I've spent poring over the legends... Everything that I've done--!
You... outsider! It's almost as if you were spat out of the space-time rift just to get in my way!
No...no, this isn't finished yet!
Can't you feel it? The chill creeping through your veins--the eldritch presence icing your heart?


(Giratina roars)

Giratina! Strike her down!

Do you feel how your heart sinks into the depths below?
Do you feel now how God cannot save you from the flow?
Of the shadows that lurk on the world reverse of ours?
Of the demon of judgement bore countless battle scars

In a world left to rot by the light that shines on high
In a world where the weak and the meek are left to die
Come and face me, you almighty coward in the sky
Come and know he who gave all his life to meet Your eye
I've delivered the one who you banished from the land
Come to me! Show me now how to take and wield Your hand!
Why would God choose you to serve Him?
I have toiled in prayer and worship!
I have been a loyal servant!
Yet I'm stuck here with the serpent!
Does He think I'm so unworthy?
Why claim YOU, a whelp unearthly?

Now you kneel, now you fall to the shadowed claws of death
Now the beast takes your heartbeat, you'll take your final breath
Now you stand in the face of inevitable end
Now you watch as the sky vengeance rips apart to shreds
With the talons of crimson, I'll claw my way to Heaven
And see for myself what it takes to wield creation!

God, can You hear my cry?
Or are You truly the watchmaker
Left us to die?

No! This isn't over!

Now awaken your power!
Bring God's final hour!

Spiraling into the void
Of promises left unfulfilled
If Arceus shan't heed my cry
Then none'll stand above my will

Can you feel the world's distortion?
Antimatter's burning mire
Tears away the gates of Heaven
Gives me way to steal the fire!

My fervent wish to mold a new world
From Hell's domain, bring the clay
That will shape the newfound way
As I slay this naysayer who tamed diamond and pearl!

A brilliant future, shining
After the dark of the night rapture brings!

Worry not as you are sleeping
No more pain and no more weeping
You'll rejoice for this is the world
That you helped forge!

You're finished!

Feel the very fabric of the universe tear!
Took you away from whence you came
Now nothing will ever be the same!
I'll rewrite all in my name!
No more monsters and no more fighters
Once God's will I tame!
Hear my wish, Giratina, and SMITE HER!

Here in the dark of the void
Far too long, I have toyed!
Now here ends your meddling!
No more lying and peddling!
Truth is all that shall reign now!
Wipe the bloodstains away now!

The force of shadow
Shall bring me all that I wish to know!