Juno Songs
Radical Highway, but Black Doom Is Replaced By His Fandub Counterpart, Da Devil From Da Bible
[Intro: Black Doom, Shadow]
Heyy, Shadow! Long time no see!
It's me, the Devil!
What have you done? Where are you taking me?
Look, I'm just here to convince you to do sin again, steal candy from babies and small businesses...
Not kill the president, though
Last time—last time, that didn't go so great
Anyways, get over here, I got a little, like, business proposal for ya
Go to San Francisco!
Eyy, bada-bing, bada-boom
Welcome back to H-E-double-hockey-sticks!

[Verse 1: Shadow, Black Doom]
As I fall here
I recall the fading glance she gave mе
And the vow of vengeancе that I took in her name
Why'd you bring me back into my darkest hour?
Why'd you bring me back to cables, cars and towers?
From this highway, I've since taken off the turn
Now retribution burns

Ayy, yo, what's up, Shadow?
Here's the goal to pinpoint
Gotta rack up those sin points
If you kill these guys
You can take their sin for yourself, you see?
Or if you suck, like you usually do
(Pause) Then you can probably just kill these guys who donate to charity
What are you talking about?! I want answers!
Well, I'm the King of Hell
Got you under my spell
I'm the guy who sets on fire
The people in my domain who fell!
That's the power I hold as the Devil!

If your plan's to rise again
You'll find that I'm no friend
I don't care how many times I need to bring your end
No matter what you're scheming
You better keep on dreaming
All of me is all I am and you can never take that from me!

[Verse 2: Shadow, Black Doom]
As I fall here
I recall the way they stole the light away from me
Amidst the blinding night
I vowed to fight
Two wrongs to make a right!

Why can't you just do like you always do
And do adultery?
I've been a sub since we first met
So why you bein' mean to me?
Run your mouth all you like of rage and fire but you'll never outpace me
How you gonna spout your nonsense with my heel in your face?
This is who I am!
This is who I'll always be!
This is who I am and no one else defines my destiny!

Hey, hey, bing bong, bozo
Guess what? I'm still alive!
You're doin' a bad job!
Congratulations! You look like an idiot
Anyways, I don't know how to impress upon you that I am indeed the Devil, from the Bible, and I am therefore functionally immortal

So what I was tracking... was him
Okay, now you're gonna try to interrupt me. That's rude
I won't let him escape again
Normally, that'd give you some sin points, but this is ME you're talkin' about!
Black Doom... this time... you're finished for good!
You're tryin' to impress me, and you're still just bein' rude? I am literally the Devil from the Bible! I can poke you with HOT STICKS!

[Outro: Shadow, Black Doom]
As I fall here
I recall the monster he tried to make me
And like before, I'll crush him all the same!
Now I vow at the site of once my darkest hour
Chase him down through the cables, cars and towers
From this highway, I've since taken off the turn
Let retribution burn!
Oh, thank God, finally, he shut up—