Juno Songs
Dialga’s Fight To The Finish WITH LYRICS Remastered
(Dialga's Fight To The Finish - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky)
Time is done, and the darkness will consume the sky
Reality dies!
Who brought my tower to ruin?
Who turned the final page?
The lord of time's undoing
I can feel my mind succumbing to rage!

[Pikachu, Turtwig]
Please, Dialga
We plead, don't falter
We've come to save all of time
Calm your rage
As we break the cage
Of decay within your mind
There's nothing to fear
For we'll return the gears
Right bеfore the final hour chimes...
Wе're begging you, please
Don't let the world freeze
And let tomorrow's sun shine!

Deep, deep in the depths of my heart
I know what you're doing is right
But in darkness I'm blind...
I'm trapped in my mind...
My body is compelled to fi-IIIIGHT!

Who do you think you are
Crumbling my tower?
Dare you disrupt
My temporal power?
Who are you now
Are you friend, are you foe?
I don't know...
The dark broke time's flo-OOOOOOOW!

Once time flowed freely through the skies
But now the darkness shrouds my eyes
The world greys, the people die
From the broken depths comes my primal cry!

[Pikachu, Turtwig]
Oh, hear our plea
From across the sea
Let the wheels of time revolve!
We'll fix the tower
Restore your power
And all your problems solve!
We know we must try
To carry the sky
And we'll see your madness absolved
But first, let us by
We don't want to die
Let the gears turn for the sake of us all!
Deep, deep in the depths of my soul
I know what you say is true...
But in darkness I'm blind
I'm trapped in my mind


(Pikachu, Turtwig (Dialga))
The Roar of Time
Shakes our soul
(Who do you think you are,)
Power divine
Taking its toll
(Crumbling my tower?)
The seconds count down
And time's running out
(Dare you disrupt)
But we'll bear the sound
Of your primal shout
(My temporal power?)

Make no mistake
We'll stand, we are strong
(Who are you now)
It isn't too late
We'll right what is wrong
(Are you friend? Are you foe?)
(I don't know)
We feel your pain
The turmoil within
Now let the rain
(The dark broke time's flow!)
Wash away sin
Bring back time's flow!

...This light...
So that means...
My time with Pikachu's coming to an end...

...What is it? Wh-what's happening to you?

I'm sorry, Pikachu
I've kept this from you for a long time...
It looks like...I have to say good-bye...

What are you saying??

Dusknoir told me
If we change the future...
The Pokémon from the future would disappear...
That's why...
...that's why I'm destined to disappear too

(Don't Ever Forget - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky)
Huh? Wh-why? I don't understand...
I don't want
Don't want to say goodbye...
It's too soon
Too soon for you to fly...
You're my dearest, dearest friend
So why
Must you leave...
..just as we saved the sky?

Oh, this sky's
Not mine to see
But for a world set newly free
Oh, my friend...
Promise me...
You'll live on with the right to be

I don't want
Don't want to say goodbye...
It's too soon
Too soon for you to fly...
Oh, if fate must take you from my side
Then my world...
May well be paralyzed...

Though we part
My gift to you's
A wind that blows through skies of blue...
Please, my friend...
Know this true
Light shines upon your future, too...

I don't want,/Dry your tears
Don't want to say goodbye.../Though my time has come
It's too soon/Don't ever forget
Too soon for you to fly.../How we fought for everyone
You fought too/And I'll always
For future's hope and light.../Remember our journey
So then, why.../To bring that hope and light
...are you denied that right?

[Turtwig, Spoken]
...I have to disappear now...
But, Pikachu...
I'm so lucky you were my friend
Even after I disappear from here...
...I'll never forget you

[Pikachu, Spoken]
Wait, no! Please!
...don't go...