Juno Songs
Nintendo Anti-Piracy Self Reporter
It's too late...
You chose to wait
You did not heed
The plumber's plea
You refused to cease
You will face police
Consequences fall
On those who break the law
9-1-1 will come
Now your life is done
Now it's time to pay
So do just as we say..
When the dispatch comes
You tell them what you did
Say that you possess a software
That was pirated
By the US law
Plead guilty to the crime
Then wait for the authorities
And do your time
You thought you could get away
With being a scurvy dog?
But now your criminal record
In our database be logged
$250,000 is the fine
We'll see you rot in prison
Shoulda listened to the sign
You didn't power off the game
So face the consequences
We warned you, gave you time
To turn around, you've no defences
In court, the line just leads straight to jail
We now know your location
The FBI will lock you up
For the safety of our nation
Access point found
You will now be connected to the 911 dispatch
Remember, We are watching you...