Juno Songs
I didn't ask to be here
I didn't ask to see ya
Kid you're getting on my nerves
You don't wanna fate you don't deserve

[Boyfriend singing]

Don'tcha push my buttons
You better quit while you're ahead

[Boyfriend singing]

Best take shelter from the
Bombs dropin' overhead
You are squarin' up to fight
BOOM goes the dynamite
Is that what you wanna hear
Buzz off, little man, now disappear

[Boyfriend singing]

Hear the sirens better get packin'
You don't wanna light the fuse
So turn that mic off, quit attackin'
Didn't wanna waste my precious time rappin'
Didn't want no trouble yеt
The trouble got me closе to snappin'
[Boyfriend singing]

Didn't ask to be on the run
And now you're jumpin' the gun
The countdown's tickin' to one
I'm holdin' back megatons
Gimme room to breathe here, bud
Cause if you keep on kickin' me
You'll learn the hard way that I'm not a dud

[Boyfriend singing]


Still here kid I got some some news
You are about to light the fuse
Best not draw the warhead's ire
Or you'll burn within the fire

[Boyfriend singing]

Hear the sirens, better back off, chum
Piss me off more than I am
And you'll be blown to kingdom come
[Boyfriend singing]

Mindin' my own business, I was
You got one chance to buzz of
Before I blow my stack
Explode and beat you blue and black
You have tried my patience, dude
You better mind your manners, pal
Before you make me go ka-boom

[Boyfriend singing]

So, that's how it's gonna be
So, that's how it is, I see
Best watch what you're 'boutta say
Or this'll be your final day