Juno Songs
Magolor Collection DX WITH LYRICS (Another Dimension, Under My Control + CROWNED Remastered)
*Cutscene before Another Dimension*
Bravo, Kirby
You've truly earned your reputation as a hero
Your help defeating Landia was invaluable
Ah... At long last, it's mine!
The source of limitless power... The Master Crown!
Obtaining this crown has been my ultimate goal all along!
What's with all the weird looks?
Fine. Let me explain everything
I fought Landia by myself... and lost
So I fled to Planet Popstar
That's when the thought struck me...
I could have you defeat Landia for me!
A stroke of gеnius, I know
You even helpеd me repair my Starcutter
I really did appreciate that, by the way
The time has come for your planet...
The time has come for the ENTIRE UNIVERSE to bow down to me
And for being such a big help in all of this
Your planet gets to go first!
Prepare to bow, Popstar!
Welcome your new overlord!
*Another Dimension*
I see you've decided to try and stop me!
That's gonna be your last mistake, Kirby!
[Verse One]
Hear me, O universe!
A new conquest's dawn has come to call!
The mage's hand
Sweeps through the land
To subjugate all underneath his thrall
With the crown's magic I wield!
Fly any closer, and your fate is sealed!
Heroes so gullible
That they brave the wizard's homefield!
The fickle ground
Shall mash and pound
The valiant clowns
Who still refuse to yield
In my realm between dimensions, you'll fall
With my coronation
I rule over all!
Here in space, you'll meet your doom
At the maws of energy's spawn
In this place, there'll be no tomb
For heroes whose essence is gone!
There lay sorcery in the crown
That no living being could fathom before!
Soon, the whole universe
Shall bow down to me
Its new overlord!
As for you heroes
Here's what I've got in store!
[Verse Two]
Magic the likes of which
Your feeble minds have never seen!
Wind and flame
Shall end your game
From the vessel you so foolishly retrieved
For the "friend" that you believed!
Gods need not grant mortal reprieve!
Fall to the Starcutter!
It's more mercy that I'd ever give!
I'll strike thee
With irony
The good deed that you did
You shan't outlive!
In my realm between dimensions, you'll fall
With my coronation
I rule over all!
Still you struggle?
Oh, what gumption!
But you have one fatal flaw:
Not all people can be trusted;
That's the galaxy's law!
Thanks to all your kindness
And your generous good nature
All of the universe shall bow down to me
So rest assured
That the first to kneel shall be
Your precious Pop Star!
*Cutscene before Under My Control*
Oh, you people just don't know when to give up!
Lemme crunch the numbers for you real quick...
Four heroes...
...minus four mythical dragons...
...that evens out to TOTAL UNIVERSAL DOMINATION!
Hopefully, you're smart enough after that little lesson to...
...lay down and submit to me
*Under My Control*
[Verse One]
So you've come
Chased me through the void
Your pursuit is done
Consider me annoyed!
Now the crown's
Under my command
I will take you down
And conquer all of Dream Land
With iron hand!
Magic, mystery
You'll soon be history
Now the mighty Master Crown
Belongs to me!
When you fixed my ship
I could make the trip
Make you slay the beast
And set the power free
You've outlived your use
You were doomed to lose
I should thank you
But your death would be more fun!
Now the time has come!
Planet Pop Star's done!
I shall rule as god over everyone!
Now you've served your role!
Now you've paid the toll!
Now the whole universe falls
Under my control
I command you bow down
To the Master Crown
I'll grant you your reward
Welcome your new overlord!
Do not struggle, do not fight
Though you quelled the dragon's might
You're no match
For the dark matter's night!
*Maniacal Laughing*
You've done well, hero
I commend you
Now the time comes for me
To end you
You live only because I need you
Now that need is fulfilled, so bleed!
You dare to stand up
Against my conquest?
Your bravado has got me impressed
But the dark closes in around you
Watch the matter most dark surround you
Don't you dare draw your sword
Bow to your overlord
All is mine
Say goodbye
Now you die!
*Painful Screaming*
In darkness, consciousness confined
I'm unaware of space and time
Am I imprisoned in my mind?
Is this the crown's true aim?
I feel the calling of the void
My body numb, my soul destroyed
A puppet, now merely a toy
Now nothing feels the same...
In my greed
I lost what made me, me...
Once, I was blind to sin
But now I can see
Is this power truly under my control
Or does it have me hung by strings?
There's dark matter closing in around my soul
Oh, what was the price I have paid
Just to be crowned a king?
In hubris, I had wished to be
Sole ruler of the galaxy
I thought I'd make them bow to me
Now I bow to the crown...
I thought the thing that I craved was power
My lust has left my soul devoured
You must stop me in the final hour
Before the clock runs down
I was a fool
To think you a tool
For my plan
Now hear my plea
Stop me, and return to Dream Land!
Where the breeze of friendship
Blows across the world
And the light of hope
Brings love to every soul
And if I make it out, I want you to know:
I am so very sorry...
I only hope you'll find some love in your heart
To spare and forgive a fool like me
*Defeat of Magolor*