(Chorus) I'm falling out , Falling out of this road . Trying out , trying out to find my strength ! But I'm 15 for life , I know what I need to strike . 15 for life , don't tell me who to be cuz this is me . Don't judge me !
(Verse one) Ima strange addict , this is my obsession , hearing you , others think that it's done and I'm just through ! Bitch you are the strange logo when I play or try to watch olympics , damn I don't give a fuck about water polo ! Well yeah USA get the ball and shoot in my goal , and I can die , YOLO ! I don't need band groups right now , I prefer riding solo ! Cause I can spit out a rhyme , like I'ma gansta and a cholo ! Well let me hear you again , no no , you're fucking opinions are just bullshit , that it ain't true , cause there isn't such thing as doing nothing , doing nothing is floating in the air out of the blue ! Well here is what I do , I drop the bombs , and write it like it's a song for you ! You say that's it's something new , but it's not I've been doing this shit ever since I got my first converse all star shoe ! My tree broke down , the leaves just blew , away ! But now this is like I just threw it away ! Well let me lay , down and just fucking cry because you're important to me , well yeah , my favorite thing the first thing that just caught my eye before I'll get my blue and red extensions hair dye !
(Chorus) I'm falling out , Falling out of this road . Trying out , trying out to find my strength ! But I'm 15 for life , I know what I need to strike . 15 for life , don't tell me who to be cuz this is me . Don't judge me !
(Verse two) How will I get discovered ? Is the question that makes me feel like I can't do it , follow my dreams , well half of you cocksuckers don't know this song , what it even means ! Making fun of me ? That I can't make an even punchline really fast and hit the gasoline ! Well fucking faggot , look at me ! I have my solo career , and my hip hop team . There is one with Panda , where all we do are dem ! Dem stands for demon ! And the other is with this crazy homie , crazy b ! The one who is cool and chill always leaning ! You say that my dream isn't worth it that I should be leaving cause you're surprised or don't think I'll pass the flight when air rocketships are beaming ! Outta the fucking sky , getting away from criminals who are fucking stealing ! And you said that I'd be one of those criminals if I wouldn't shape up ! Well let me tell you I will spin the record , put on a remix spit a rhyme and tear this place up ! I love it cause I can tell you how I fucking feel straight up ! Haters won't be up , well they will now cause they are gonna see that my dream is the one I found a pencil with a point , and now I can trace up ! Cause Deemonster said to Daryan to look up , follow your dreams and never give up ! Cause you gots the stuff !
(Chorus) I'm falling out , Falling out of this road . Trying out , trying out to find my strength ! But I'm 15 for life , I know what I need to strike . 15 for life , don't tell me who to be cuz this is me . Don't judge me !