Olive Dakota
Wizard24 (Chapter Five)
[WIZARD24: Chapter Five]

I woke up early, before anyone else. I went down to the game room, and went on my laptop to check my dad’s email. I expected it to be empty, but to my surprise, he had gotten a message - make that three messages - on his online dating profile, all from the same person. I decided I would show him when he came downstairs. That didn’t take long, as he was the second one down, just a few minutes after me. I showed him, and he sat down and started typing frantically. Shane, Graham, and I hung out around the house all day while my dad continued to type back and forth. Finally, after dinner, he called me into the room. “What do you think about coming with me to dinner tomorrow night?” I knew Shane and Graham had something, so I didn’t mention them, and simply said “okay,” assuming he was going on a date.

I decided to sleep in. When I got up at 11:30, it was because Graham was pulling on my sheets, telling me to get ready to take him to Boy Scouts. I shooed him away and got up, taking a shower and putting on a simple white T-shirt and white basketball shorts. Shane decided that he would go with Graham, at least for the first meeting. We had filled out the paperwork for Graham last week, but Shane had to sign up. Luckily, they didn’t require a parent’s signature or anything, so they were both able to register. I hung around and watched, so I didn’t have to leave and come back. After the meeting, both kids reported back positively, so I told the leader we would bring them to the sleepover tonight. We drove home, Graham and Shane chatting excitedly in the backseat the whole time.

When we got back home, Graham and Shane ran up to their rooms to start packing for the sleepover. I had gotten a flyer for the sleepover, and I took the opportunity to read it. While the event wasn’t actually sponsored by the Scouts, it was at a Scout’s house, and only the kids in that troop were invited. Doors opened at 5:00, so I could drop them off, then meet my dad at dinner.


I ran into my room to pack for the sleepover. We had gotten a packing list, which said we needed: two outfits (one to sleep in, one to wear tomorrow), a Bible, toiletries (like soap, toothbrush and all that stuff), and a ball from our favorite sport. I immediately went to get my soccer ball, and I finished packing in about 15 minutes. I then went into Shane’s room to help him pack, and he was also done, except he didn’t have a Bible. I told him he could borrow Will’s, and handed it to him. Since we were done, we just got to hang out for a while before we left.


I changed into a white dress shirt and nice jeans to go to dinner, but first I had to drop Graham and Shane off at the sleepover. It was at Ryan Williams’ house. Of course, I thought. Ryan didn’t live in our neighborhood, so I had to drive a decent way to get there. After I dropped them off, I had to drive all the way to Fort Worth to meet my dad and his date at this bar called Fred’s Texas Cafe. I took Interstate 30 to Lancaster, and turned right on the street that the bar was on. A woman came in, saw my dad, and came over toward us. My dad introduced myself, and I did the same. “Nice to meet both of you, I’m Jill Kingsley,” she said. They didn’t seem to get along as well in person as they did in real life, and Jill got up and left before she even ordered any food. I finished eating, but my dad wasn’t done. He saw another woman by herself, and went over to talk to her. I followed, and as before, we introduced ourselves, my dad first, then me, then the woman, Amy. My dad and Amy sat down and talked for a long time. About 20 minutes into the conversation, I asked my dad if I could go home, he said yes, and I left.

I got home and had the house all to myself. My dad texted me and asked me to prepare a bag for him with clothes for the next day, and his phone charger, and that he would swing by in ten minutes. I ran upstairs, shoved everything into his briefcase, and was done in five minutes. My dad came by in his truck with Amy, and I went out and handed him the bag. “Love you,” he said as he squeezed my shoulder. “Love you,” I called out after him as he drove off.

After he left, I had command of the house until I had to go pick up Shane and Graham after lunch. I figured I would just relax and maybe watch some baseball, but then Yates invited me over. I packed another bag, this time for myself, and headed on foot over to Yates’ home, just around the corner. When I got there, his parents were gone. “Date night?” I asked. “Yeah, how’d you know?” Yates replied as he let me in. “Same at mi casa,” I said. “Cool, so, what do you wanna do?” “I don’t know, when are your parents going to be home?” “Well, it’s date night tonight, but then they both go out of town for work, so…next Friday.” “So, basically, we can do whatever we want?” “Yep,” Yates said.

I heard a noise that sounded like part of a song - a ringtone, perhaps? I called Yates’ attention to it, and he went and picked up the phone. “Hello? -Yeah, sure, you can come over. Bring whoever you want, it’s just me and Will chilling over here. Okay, bye-“ Yates hung up. “Who was that?” “Carson and Cooper Stephens- you know them, right? They’re gonna be freshmen in the fall, and they play baseball and basketball. They said they might bring some friends.” “Hey, but we can’t let this get too big,” I said, “‘cause then Jake will try to compete with us, and that won’t end well.” “Jake?” “Durham. You might know him as ‘Snake’.” “Oh, okay, yeah…yeah, I won’t invite anyone else,” Yates said. A few minutes later, Carson and Cooper showed up with two smaller kids in tow. Yates mouthed, “what the-“ towards them, and Carson mouthed back, “babysitting”. They came in, and the bigger of the two kids shook my hand. “Hi, I’m Robert, but everyone calls me Robby,” he said. The smaller kid said, “My name’s Matthew, but everyone calls me Matty.” “Robby’s real smart, and likes to read, and Matty’s pretty outgoing, and likes telling jokes,” said Carson. Cooper whispered something to Carson. “Oh, and Matty likes soccer.” “When do you guys usually go to bed?” I asked. Matty, joking, said, “Well, Robby’s supposed to go to bed at 8, but I can stay up ’til midnight.” “Isn’t it the other way around?” Robby asked, also joking. “Seriously, though, we don’t have a bedtime. As long as we don’t keep our parents up, we can stay up however long we want,” Robby explained. “Cool, well, don’t stay up too late,” I said.

We decided that the kids seemed trustworthy, and so we went outside, and just kept an eye on them. Yates set up his iPod to play music through a portable speaker. I recognized the first song immediately. “Isn’t this your ringtone?” I asked. “Yeah,” said Yates. “Cool, what’s it called?” “It’s a song by Mac Miller, off his mixtape Faces, called ‘Rain’. It’s one of my favorite songs on the tape,” Yates responded. We started shooting hoops, and it eventually turned into a two-on-two game - Carson and Cooper against me and Yates. “Losers have to watch the kids!” Yates said. Yates and I won the game, because we were both able to shoot the ball, and Carson couldn’t defend both of us, and Cooper didn’t want to defend the perimeter. After the game, we went inside and started an NBA 2K14 tournament. Yates and I played first, while Carson and Cooper watched the kids downstairs. Yates won, like the game we had played the other day. We came downstairs, and switched places with them. Both brothers liked video games, and I knew they both liked sports games, but I did not know who was better at 2K. They came down, and Carson told us that Cooper had beaten him. Carson and I went upstairs to play for third place, and Carson, playing as the Heat, crushed my Mavericks, 102 to 85. Cooper and Yates came up and played for the championship, and Robby and Matty came up to watch. Going into the fourth quarter, Cooper’s Timberwolves had 76, and Yates’ Bulls had 80, but Cooper quickly went on a 9-2 run to make it 85-82. With one minute left, both teams had 98 points. Cooper called timeout, and ran a play for Kevin Love, who made a 3. Yates kept attacking the basket like he had been, and quickly scored six points on three layups and two steals. Cooper scored another three points, this time by another Kevin (Martin), tying the game. With just 12.5 seconds, Yates drove and scored again on a layup by Derrick Rose. Cooper threw the ball to half-court, and called another timeout. The clock was down to 2.9 seconds, but that was enough time for a pass to Love, who tied the game with a 2-point shot.

We paused the game and went downstairs for a snack and bathroom break. Yates got out a box of cookies - six chocolate chip, six sugar - a 2-liter of Coke, and cups, and we dug in. Cooper and I just got water from the fridge. Carson had one chocolate chip cookie and some water, Robby also just had water, and Matty had two sugar cookies and some Coke. Yates ate one of each type of cookie as well as most of the Coke. We then took the snacks back up to Yates’s room and finished the game. In overtime, the game turned into a two-man show for both teams - Rose and Joakim Noah for the Bulls, and Love and Martin for Minnesota. It turned into a projection of real life - Yates primarily attacking inside, Carson mostly shooting from the perimeter, but as Love and Martin were both good shooters, and their shots were worth more than Yates’s, Carson went up by five with one minute to go. However, Yates’s sources of points were even more reliable than Carson’s, and he converted two and-ones to tie the game. Carson came down the floor, and shocked Yates by shooting with his pass-first point guard, Ricky Rubio, who made the shot to go up by two! With Carson playing tough inside defense, Yates altered his strategy, passing around the perimeter, and it paid off as he made the game-winning 3-pointer! Carson tried to act mad, but high-fived Yates.

Yates turned the PS4 and the TV off, and we went downstairs to figure out the rest of the night. We all needed to take showers, and we decided to go by age - Matty, Robby, Carson, Cooper, me, then Yates last. Since the house had two showers, we went two at a time, one in Yates’ bathroom and one in the guest bathroom. Matty took a quick shower and came down in a blue tank top and white basketball shorts. Robby took his time, and by the time he was finished, Carson had already taken his shower, brushed his teeth, and changed into a blue T-shirt and shorts. Cooper went upstairs, and I followed not a minute later, after Robby came downstairs wearing SpongeBob pajamas. Both of us took fairly quick showers, brushed our teeth, and went back downstairs to wait for Yates. Cooper had put on a gray T-shirt and shorts, and I had on a white T-shirt and red shorts. Finally, Yates finished and came down in a Nike sleeveless shirt and basketball shorts.

We decided to watch a movie. After some discussion, we settled on Anchorman 2, as we determined Robby and Matty to be mature enough to handle its humor and language. It was funny, but Carson and Cooper didn’t think it was as good as the first one. Robby and Matty didn’t understand some of it, as they had never seen the first Anchorman movie, but Yates and I both enjoyed the movie. After watching a few minutes of SportsCenter, we got bored, went outside, and played basketball in the dark. However, that only lasted a few minutes, as we couldn’t see anything out there.

After that, we all got hungry. “I can take us in my dad’s truck down to the Subway,” Yates said. On the way there, we were mapping out the rest of the evening. “We can watch another movie,” Yates suggested. “We could play some games,” Matty offered. “We could just freakin’ sleep,” Carson growled at us, but then he laughed, and we relaxed. The workers at Subway seemed surprised to see a group of kids come in late at night, especially with Robby in his pajamas, but they were happy for the business. Everyone just ordered something small, as Yates was paying for everyone, and we didn’t want to have a full meal this late. After everyone finished, we headed back to Yates’s house. Robby fell asleep on the way back, and I had to carry him in. Since Matty and Robby’s parents weren’t coming home, we decided to just all go to sleep. Luckily, Robby didn’t have to change, and we put him down on the guest bed upstairs. Matty changed from his shorts to gray pajama pants, and slept on the floor in the guest bedroom. I changed into red lounge pants, and slept in Yates’ parents’ room, with Carson and Cooper taking the bed and me on the floor. Yates decided he would come in there with us, so he wasn’t alone. They all slept in their boxers - Carson and Yates had on matching camo boxers, and Cooper’s were plaid. We all got to sleep pretty quickly, since we were all a little worn out.


Will dropped us off at Ryan’s house with our bags. We were the first ones there, other than Ryan, who welcomed us in. Parker showed up next, followed by a couple kids I hadn’t seen before. We all went into the living room and sat down. “Okay, let’s all introduce ourselves. As we go around the circle, please say your name, grade, and a favorite hobby,” Ryan’s dad said. Ryan went first. “I’m Ryan Williams, I’m in 8th grade, and I like to play basketball.” “I’m Shane Stephens, 8th grade, and I like video games,” I said. “My name’s Landon Carter, 8th grade, and I like to play baseball.” “I’m Parker Fahey, in 7th grade, and I like to skateboard.” “I’m Graham Benson, I’m in 6th grade, and I like watching the Mavericks.” “My name is Freddie Jones. I’m in 6th grade, and, um, I like to go hunting.”

Ryan’s mom had made us all dinner - turkey, mashed potatoes, and mixed vegetables. After we were all finished, we took our balls and went outside. Graham had a soccer ball, Landon and Parker had baseballs, Ryan and I had basketballs, and Freddie had a tennis ball. We split into teams of 3 (Ryan and Freddie were on my team) and played soccer, then catch, then basketball. Since we didn’t have rackets, we couldn’t play actual tennis, so we just played catch again with the tennis ball. After that, we were all tired, so we went inside and sat on the couches again, then decided to play Monopoly. Freddie had never played before, and he was the first one out. Graham, Landon, and Parker went out in that order, and it was me and Ryan in the finals. I had Boardwalk and Park Place, as well as the green and yellow properties, and Ryan had everything else. We both had about 2000 dollars, but I had hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place, and Ryan landed on both of them, and I won.

After we cleaned up the game, we had a little Bible study, then we figured out where everyone would sleep. Freddie had brought a sleeping bag, as had Landon, so they could sleep on the floor. Ryan and Graham offered to sleep on the floor, leaving the bunk bed for Parker and I. “Top bunk!” Parker yelled. We then drew numbers to see who would shower first. Landon got 1, Parker 2, Ryan 3, me 4, Freddie 5, and Graham 6. Everyone went downstairs to get their bags. Ryan only had one sleeping bag, but he let Graham use it, and he was going to sleep on the bare floor.

Landon showered first, and took a very long time. Finally, after almost half an hour, he came out of the bathroom in some gray shorts. Parker showered quickly, and came out wearing pajama pants with guitars on them. Ryan also went quickly. He was wearing a white T-shirt and green pants. I tried to shower quickly, and since I had forgotten my pajamas, I had to just wear my underwear to sleep. Freddie went and showered, and came back in his clothes, but he took them off to sleep. Graham went last, and came back, also in his underwear. We stayed up and talked a little, but we were all a little tired, and went to sleep around nine.