Genius English Translations
Yuyoyuppe - Significance of Existence (English Translation)
I talk about destruction with a comical face
I have found life from anarchy
All I live is nothing
So, even this day and age
Don’t mean anything
They do not mean anything

Excellence of pre-established harmony
I surrender even my pride
There’s no such thing
It can’t be changed
If this is God’s bind
Then just kill me
If I were to disappear
It’s all right to revise it again

If it’s just “believing”, that’s a simple task
If it’s just “living”, that’s too much to ask
Kike a flower blooming in nothingness
Just strongly

If it’s just “believing”, that’s a simple task
If it’s just “living”, that’s too much to ask
Like a flower blooming in nothingness
Just strongly

Ah, how i can only wish…