Genius English Translations
Swono - PAAF-R (English Translation)
[Strophe 1]
I'd to make myself better, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light
Put the pedal to the metal, to be the first to arrive at the red traffic light
Accelerate if you too, your Golfinelle is colored with blouge
I'd love not to make it, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light

[Strophe 2]
I'd to make myself better, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light
Guess what makes the bull angry, it's not the red tissue
You need to keep it calm, not get caught by the guys in blouses
I'd love not to make it, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light

[Strophe 3]
I'd to make myself better, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light
Transcend myself, give everything for the yellow flowers and the red flowers
Offer them to Mommy, the only one who makes that down there my heart moves
I'd love not to make it, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light

[Strophe 4]
I'd to make myself better, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light
Be a man of steel without stomping my journey mates
To know the value of women, I did not wait for de Gouges
I'd love not to make it, be the first to arrive at the red traffic light

That's some mastered shit