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(Yoyo Sham)
(Yoyo Sham)
1/2 cup
Baby Song (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
明天開始 (Leave It For Tomorrow)
最後 (Ending)
舞女 (Ballerina)
開場白 (Bon Voyage)
2/2 cup
You & I (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
守破離 (ShuHaRi)
我 (I am What I am)
無常家 (Born on 00.00.00)
猜謎 (Shadow)
聽說 (Hearsay)
銀髮白 (Silver Hair)
moving on pedals
勿念 (Letter)
咖啡冒泡 (Coffee Bubbles)
哪裡 (Where)
常願意 (I Always Do)
沒故事的人 (Noise)
空隙 (Vent) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
Scrambled Eggs Blues
moving on
抱著你 (Be With You)
流星小夜曲 (Shooting Star)
講得出 (I Could Say)
追光者 (Light Chaser)
風的形狀 (Come What May)
Bedtime Story
Maybe It’s for the Best
完整 (Although) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
從甚麼時候開始 (Since When?)
終於我們 (One Step Closer)
聊 (Chat)
Boarding Soon
屈機 (Overpowered)
星期三或禮拜三 (Wednesday or Happy Hump Day?)
空隙 (Vent)
追光者 (Light Chaser) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
You & I
另一邊 (Otherside)
在你身旁 (Partnering)
如果我是一首歌 (If I Were A Song) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
換氣 (Alive)
馬路天使 (Street Angels)
不完美 (Imperfection) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
仙樂飄飄處處聞 (The Sound of Music)
剎那的烏托邦 (Utopia)
Mask (2015)
你知道你自己是誰嗎 (Do You Know Who You Are) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
月亮見 (Smoke)
信望愛 (Broken)
光之翼 (Wings of Light)
牆 (Wall) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
含羞草 (Mimosa)
盡力呼吸 (Breathe!)
水彩 (Watercolour)
不枉我們張山十年 (Ten Years of Charatay)
1/2 cup (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
2/2 cup (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
5:59pm (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
Baby Song
Baby Song (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
Bedtime Story (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
Boarding Soon (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
Leaving On A Jet Plane (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017)
Mask (2015) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
MASK (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
Maybe It’s for the Best (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
Scrambled Eggs Blues (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
Twistable Turnable Man
fly (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
moving on (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
moving on pedals (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
一個人走走 (Walking Alone)
一秒 (Just Another Day)
一秒 (Just Another Day) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
不完美 (Imperfection) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
不枉我們張山十年 (Bat1 Wong2 Ngo5 Mun4 Zoeng1 Saan1 Sap6 Nin4) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
之外 (Apart)
人車誌 (Me and My Car)
你知道你自己是誰嗎 (Do You Know Who You Are) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
信望愛 (Broken) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
傅科擺 (Leap)
光之翼 (Guāng Zhī Yì) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
剎那的烏托邦 (Utopia) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
可一可再 (The Album)
右上角 (Notice)
含羞草 (Hánxiū Cǎo) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
咖啡冒泡 (Coffee Bubbles) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
哪裡 (Nǎlǐ) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
困局 (Gutter)
困局 (Gutter) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
如果我是一首歌 (If I Were A Song)
如果我是一首歌 (If I Were A Song) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
如果我是一首歌 (If I Were A Song) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
完整 (Although) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
常愿意 (I Always Do) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
床上的黑洞 (Wake)
愛情小說 (Àiqíng Xiǎoshuō) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
愛情小說 (Love Fiction)
我 (I am What I am) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
我們萬歲 (Long Live To Us)
戒口 (Food to Eat)
戒口 (Food to Eat) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
抱着你 (Be with you) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
換氣 (Alive) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
收心操 (Ready)
放 (Relax)
敬菸 (Sharing)
明天開始 (Míngtiān Kāishǐ) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
星期三或禮拜三 (Wednesday or Happy Hump Day?) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
月亮見 (Smoke) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
水彩 (Seoi2 Coi2) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
沒故事的人 (Noise) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
流星小夜曲 (Shooting Star) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
海膽 (Sigh)
海裡睡人 (To Be Together)
漸漸 (Am I Me)
牆 (Wall)
牆 (Wall) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
牆 (Wall) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
猜謎 (Shadow) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
瘋狂的朋友 (Crazy Friends)
盡力呼吸 (Breathe!) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
破壞王 (We Zzzid It)
空隙 (Vent) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
空隙 (Vent) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
終於我們 (One Step Closer) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
與你常在 (All About Love)
舞女 (Ballerina) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
蠢 (Ming)
言之無物 (Fully Empty)
追光者 (Light Chaser) (Live at Blue Note Beijing 2017) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
追光者 (Light Chaser) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
這裡 (Being Here)
銀髮白 (Silver Hair) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
開場白 (Bon Voyage) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
零下幾分鐘 (Freeze)
馬路天使 (Maa5 Lou6 Tin1 Si3) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
龍舌蘭 (Tequila)