Kim André Arnesen
My Flame the Song
I give this flame, my flame the song
I pass it from my life to yours
It gathers strength, through names we’ve loved
You catch the flame and your name shines

The fragile flame
Held in the heart
It joins us all
Love to love
The human voice
Our flame the song
So fierce its flame
It cries out love
Love gathering
Love burning
The life of music’s heart

We know the wounds, the tear of grief
The flame extinguished, sudden dark
The silent voice, the empty road
The lives we love torn out by the roots

The fragile flame
Held in the heart
It joins us all
Love to love
The human voice
Our flame the song
So fierce its flame
It cries out love
So far off
Yet calling
To lives on distant shores
We gaze at love
Love gazes back;
See, love’s tears
Burn on the ground
Love catches fire from our pain

The fragile flame
Held in the heart
It joins us all
Love to love
The human voice
Our flame the song
So fierce its flame
It cries out love
And calling
To lives that cry for song

We’re drawn to light, drawn to the heart
Drawn to this music, fire of song;
Our fears transform, through music’s pain
To fire of life, compassion, flame

The fragile flame
Held in the heart
It joins us all
Love to love
The human voice
Our flame the song
So fierce its flame
It cries out love
And calling
A healing song of life