That’s something that I’ve been running away from for quite a long time now
And I run because
I’m scared
I’m scared to be hurt again
I’m scared to feel love
Because well, love hasn’t been too nice to me
But now I’m starting to realize that I shouldn’t run and I don’t want to
I need to embrace it and I need to share my experiences with the world
And then maybe I won’t feel alone anymore because
I know I’m not the only one
I’m not the only one that goes through the traumas of love
So when you listen to this album when you hear my words
I want you to see them too because this album isn’t only for you to listen to it’s for you to visualize
It’s for you to relate to
So that you can draw in your emotions while I’m painting mine
I try so hard all the time not to be an emotional person but
When heartbreak is all you have or all you feel like you have
It’s kinda hard not to go down that path
And as you know
My path is heartbreak lane