Akira The Don
Christmas Could Be a Dark Time
Christmas was complicated for me
There's a personal element to it
There’s a very vicious streak of familial depression
That runs in my family
My father was quite prone to that
So, Christmas could be a dark time
For us
Christmas could be a dark time
For us
Although i-it, it, it was also
All of the positive things it was supposed to be
At the same time
My father had
Seasonal effective disorder
Of course, we didn't know what the hell was going on
When I was growing up
Nobody knew what that was
And it took a long time to get that sortеd out
That, that time of year has been very complеx
Over the years
So, Christmas could be a dark time
For us
Christmas could be a dark time
For us
So that's the personal end of it
The more metaphysical end is, of course
That I’ve spent a lot of time over the last three decades
Trying to understand Christianity
And what the rituals and routines and stories mean
That's added another dimension to it
I mean, I understand, for example, the mythological idea
That at the darkest point of the year
That's when the hero emerges
That's a very old mythological idea
Course, you don't need a hero unless
The darkness is intense
The darkness is intense
The darkness is intense
Course, you don't need a hero unless
The darkness is intense
The darkness is intense
The darkness is intense
Darkness is intense
Darkness is intense
Darkness is intense
Darkness is intense
It makes sense that that's what would
Call forth a hero