Bruno Powroznik
A message from Satan
Hello, I am the devil
Some people call me Satan
Others call me Beelzebub
I will shortly visit Earth to wreak death and destruction
Anybody who stands in my way will be destroyed
If you succumb to my will, you will be spared
The people of Earth will experience my power
I will bring about misery and despair
I will rule the world and you will worship me
If you resist my rule then I will fuck you up the arse
Good and hard until your arse bleeds
And then I will torture you to death
I will inflict terrible pain on those who disobey me
Nobody can stop me from my mission to rule the world
The people of Earth will succumb to my will
Men will be freed of their sexual inhibitions
And will rape, plunder and pillage
Follow me and you will have wealth and power
And you will indulge in lots of vaginal intercourse