Wordplayin' Around Pt. 2 (How Many Ways Can You "Scrabble" One's Brain?)
So now that you get what has been described in the Intro, let's get down to how wordplay is defined in of its various types and variations
Like every other literary device in lyricism, there is a "class" of forms that the tool in mention, makes it clear as to how it's a part of its category
The most basic and fundamental structure of wordplay are based on 4 kinds of literary devices:
Capitophones, Capitonyms, Homophones, Homonyms and Homographs. Any combination of these can make up, all sorts of unique plays on words and phrases. Below are the generic 2 sub-categories, with all their variants
1. Pun - intentionally, using at least 2 words/phrases that sound alike, for clever or subtle effect
2. Punchline - using puns in tandem, for humorous effect for jokes