Young JK
[Verse 1]
I'm trying to be a better person
God I'm just hoping you get my message
I want to be loved around the world
I want to spread this word to word
Mom I'm sorry, I promise I won't give up
Dad I'm sorry, I promise I'll keep my head up
I get that people aren't ready to hear this type of music
People think us depressing rappers are stupid
They need to get that we all feel pain
They need to get that we all feel the same
We've all been through rough times
People don't understand, I let out a big sigh
When I'm completely gone from this world, I want to be missed
I want to turn sad faces to smiling faces
This is my dream
This is me

[Verse 2]
I'm just sad by the fact that people won't understand
Yes God, I will stand up as the man
I will keep loving myself
I will keep believing in myself
God I wish you would speak to me and tell me what I need to do
I want to get rid of the pain, too
I want to spread this message
I don't want to deal with depression
I'm tired of suffering from this pain
I want this to change
It just hurts what people say
But I won't let that shit get in my way
I'm just hoping you heard my message
There's only one thing to end this by saying Amen