I guess my life's an open book
Anyone can take a look
No secrets here, to hide
This is just me
Holidays that come and go
Feelings change, people grow
And all I know is
I like being free
Da, Da, Da
I'll be fine
This is me now
But I could change
Any time
I gues my life's an open book
Everything I gave and took
Is written on my face
For all to see
Even when I'm gray and old
Promise me you'll always know
That I carry you around somewhere
In me
But oh, how people come and go
Life is just a show
We make it all up as we go
There's no script, just let it flow
And oh, how nothing seems to last
Days go super fast
Well at least we had a blast
We really had a blast
Da, Da, Da
I'll be fine
I'll see you again
Another place, another time
And oh, how people come and go
Life is just a show
We make it all up as we go
There's no script, just let it flow
And oh, how nothing seems to last
Days go super fast
Well at least we had a blast
Didn't we have a blast