Fall Out Boy Song Or Not
1. "Hum Hallelujah"

2. "This, the Sip I Just Took, and the Melting"

3. "Beating and Bursting"

4. "Boating"

5. "Thanks for the Memories"

6. "Pop the Bubble, Bleed the Bee"

7. "Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued"

8. "Exist, Residents"

9. "Crime B-Side"

10. "Golden"

11. "Take Away the Chance I Took or Drive Me Crazy"

12. "If I Were You, I'd Never Buy Cocoa Powder"

13. "Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?"

14. "I Don't Really Be Infamous, I Be Lit"

15. "Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today"