Uncle Sinner
You Got to Die
Well you just 'bout to get ready, you got to die
Just 'bout to get ready, you got to die
May be tomorrow, Lord, you can't tell the minute or the hour
Just 'bout to get ready, you got to die

Well you just better love your enemies, you got to die
May be tomorrow, Lord, you can't tell the minute or the hour
Just better love your enemies, you got to die

Oh preacher get ready, you got to die
Preacher get ready, you got to die
May be tomorrow, Lord, you can't tell the minute or the hour
Preacher get ready, you got to die

Singin' I'm climbin' high mountains, tryin' to get home
Climbin' high mountains, I'm tryin' to get home
I'm bearin' hard burdens, Lord, I'm bearin' hard burdens
I'm bearin' hard burdens, I'm tryin' to get home

I am buryin' the names of many, I'm tryin' to get home
Buryin' the names of many, I'm tryin' to get home, Lord the Lord

Oh hangman get ready you got to die
Hangman get ready you got to die
May be tomorrow, Lord, you can't tell the minute or the hour
Hangman get ready you got to die