Voicemail *Wish you had a personal voicemail message so I can hear your voice on this cold night. I’m walking alone just wanted to say hi. Sounds like you’re sleeping, that’s awesome. Have some beautiful dreams. I’ll see you around bye.*
I need to
Be with
Myself for a while
I need some
And to smile
And oh
How I’ll try
To let things go just let it go but nothing nothing nothing seems to go
There’s a war in my head
There’s a war in my head
*spoken in background* wish you had a personal voicemail message so I can hear your voice on this cold night. I’m walking alone just wanted to say hi. Sounds like you’re sleeping, that’s awesome. Have some beautiful dreams. I’ll see you around bye
Mental wars
Lost control of my life
No more worth
Felt the ways I relied on my mind
Didn’t think I was worth the time
Depression left me on the floor
Lost all the love, the cares in the world
Long time
Since I’ve
Felt this way
Will I see
The sunshine
In this mental state?
And oh
How I found
There’s no winning when I’m hiding
High as hell
Felt the pain in my heart
Felt the same from the start
Voicemail in background:
Funny you might be dead or something. I’m just wondering if you’re still alive
No big deal, I think I get it um so yeah
I just found it funny that you don’t wanna answer my whatever, anyway*
All I know
Is that I’ve fallen from this world
I can’t describe oh what’s inside oh so I hide
Oh act alright
Alone with this broken mind
Depression led me in this war
If I don’t try
Depression, what have I become?
Now don’t you think I’ve had enough?
Now I’ll get myself back up
Remember those I love so much
So much
Depression won’t hurt me anymore