GreenSurvivor Music:
We wrote this story but there was no pen
The unexpected happened and we were done
We were just never fools, we just couldn't see the end. So we walked away, from this catastrophe. And we started a new life
This world we knew, overwhelmed. Iced over with this power of cool, we, were so fine but, we never wanted this, at all oh, oh, oh, oh. So, I walked away from what we used to know as the planet, Earth
Snowflake Pony:
You, never listened to me at all. And, look what you got into. I, told you to look out for the storm ahead. And, you just walked away, like no one cared at all
Walked, walked, walked, away. Wa- wa- walked a- a- way. We just, Wa-wa- walked a-away and didn't even care what Earth had even become anymore. (Repeat Snowflake Pony's Verse again)