Score (Killin’ Void Remix)
Welcome to the Riddim Arcade
We have different games such as Block Sudden Death, Mortal Dubplate, Space Lickers and Wonkie Kong
[Refrain 1]
Yo yo, dude, let's play some Wonkie Kong
No, dude, what the fuck, you suck at that game
No no, for real, this time I'mma get a high score
Whatever, man
Ah, damnit, I don't have any coins right now
Can I borrow some for you?
No, you still owe me from last time, when you played Preset Junkies all fucking day
I'm gonna give you back right after, please
Fine, whatever man
Round one
Round two
Game over
[Refrain 2]
Fuck, shit, dude, you didn't even make it to the second drop
Can I have one more coin? I beat this time
Fuck y— you're such a bitch, man
Here, take that one
Thanks buddy, okay, here we go again
Round three
Round four
Game over
[Refrain 3]
Fuck, what am I doing wrong?
Dude, I think if use the OTT potion is more often, I learned that when I was five, playing with the Virtual Riot over-dear (Piss off, you bloody pikers)
Do you have any coins?, I just have one left
I'll get to the final level this time, I swear
Just this last one, please, come on
Fuck, okay
But this is my last coin, you better make it this time
I will?, Final Boss, INFEKT? Here I come
Round five
Round six
Final Boss