From the time before time was first measured, humankind has pondered the question of god
As the image of that God formed in their minds
So they fashioned it in wood, paint and stones and housed it in holy places
The ancient world was populated with gods beyond count
Today just one god dominates the world of believers
Where have the old gods gone?
Our quest is to peel away the layers of time to examine the civilizations that brought thе gods to power and
Honoured them in art and architеcture
And to discover the ultimate fate of the lost gods

World with the highest spirit. Serve God in nature of serve men in the high table. A work of art is a world of Labor

The Builder confronts to destroy you. This year won't come on the ground as Warriors
Piece to the God. We know who you are
Independent to the nearest star. Commemorate honorable Elijah Master Fard
There it is baby Paul. Who Rock grenade right to the sun roof for your car? Step out, step forward and lay yourself on the altar, where you will be martyred and you will worry no longer
God bless. Yes, they last

Animal sacrifice on Spike, roof upside down
Copper brown malachite
Slaves approach
You like me now?
The Contra calls down protection from the clouds