Interlude Dos
You are a victim of your own unconsciously designed destiny
Wherever your will experiences friction, you may be interceded upon an idea that would keep you unfree
Now you are interceding on the destiny of the person next to you, just by your own lack of self-knowledge
If you fear the algorithmic future you may respond too slowly to that information, which will liberate you and help you proceed towards self-realization, even while you being perfectly aware of the snare growing around you
Know your worth and your power will be increased
The intensity of concentration that is infested in the art of self-[Mastery] is rewarded by the direct experience of the extraordinary
Warfare exists in our present illustration of reality
Choose your battles wisely
Most of the opponents that we face will be like a bully to a child
An impulse that is a disgrace to our worth
Open-minded and aware individuals can easily be some of the most reckless and indignant
You must stop calculating your own defeat

You are a victim of your own unconsciously designed destiny
Wherever your will experiences friction, you have been interceded upon an idea that would keep you unfree
Now you are interceding on the destiny of the person next to you, just by your own lack of self-knowledge
If you fear the algorithmic future you may respond too slowly to that information, which will liberate you and help you proceed towards self-realization, even while you being perfectly aware of the snare growing around you
Know your worth and your power will be increased
The intensity of concentration that is infested in the art of self-[Mastery] is rewarded by the direct experience of the extraordinary
Warfare exists in our present illustration of reality
Choose your battles wisely
Most of the opponents that we face will be like a bully to a child
An impulse that is a disgrace to our own worth
Open-minded and aware individuals can easily be some of the most reckless and indignant
You must stop calculating your own defeat