Poet Laureate Infinity (Layer 4)
[Vocal Layer 4]
Nobody do it better, there ain't a truer Ripper
I did this separate imagine what we could do together
Inspired by GOD, inspired by the suffering
Was it done by a prophet? It must have been, who was it then
Rip The Jacker, hot but cold blooded
Many utter the name but very few love him
33 is the number that enlightens the Brothers
Insight to the fullest, that could brighten the dullest
The ramifications are awesome, what should we call it?
I call it my unacknowledged special access project
My skull is a submarine hull
In a cave below ground with a painting of Cthulhu on the wall
Necronomicon grimoires, open the doors
The vortex that reaches from here to beyond,10
The power to control thoughts however remotely
Through a term I'd like to call "Pulse Detonation Poetry"
The results from SETI, very interesting
I briefed the committee they told me to stop the testing
My team was credited, we turned over the evidence
But not before I could leverage it, for promotion to President
Cover me, 8 point sighting device for the eyes
FIRE!!! Transition if you go dry
Close your eyes, ritualize, spit your rhymes
Without trying you can shift your mind
Canibus altered the sequence nucleotides
Neuropetides only get high off mature Wine
Start timing, Atomic Clock keeps time perfectly, 20
Mrs. Guutoff my band teacher always would work me
Polyester pants, big fat ass
I loved that woman so much, I paid attention in class
My Spanish teacher Mrs Booker had an ass too
Why am I talking about this to you?
One day this will be known for now I must wait
I still love them both, and I never forget a face
At the time I used my Beta waves more than my Theta waves
Then there was greater way I learned at a later date
The rate of learning began burgeoning and wouldn't let up, 30
Mommy noticed my vocabulary I developed
Telencephalon olfactory lobes I had to practice
When a woman has her period I smell it on the mattress
It got to be difficult for any woman to live with me
I know my history, but what could that mean specifically?
The story of Bruce Lee, I died in my sleep
I was weak, it happens with every girl that I meet
A Clairvoyant Technique
Using X-Ray refraction, Not only can I see into the future
I can see past it, 40
But I don't know what it means I pass the DataStream along to my team
They say it's more than a dream
Killing caused by poisonous vapours, Lasers, Tasers, Masers
Electromagnetic Scalars
"That is not dead which can eternally lie
And with strange aeons even death may die"
Listen to the rhymes, the rhymes equal pie
If I had a piece of the pie I could buy Dubai
Rip The Jacker was born, the bow was drawn
Spit a 100 bars before you could run 100 yards, 50
I seen a mushroom to the north, from my porch
It was odd, every dog in the neighbourhood barked
You wanna stand there and talk?
The blast wave gonna' tear more than your roof off, n***a C'mon!
It is my understanding, that when I'm high I'm channelling
But when I'm out with the family I am animal handling
Observe a man who has a third DNA strand
Or a 5th or a 6th, this is way more advanced
I remove the veil from in front of me, suddenly
The roots of my discovery uncovered skulduggery, 60
I am not innocent, but you cannot punish me
Cause I know what the world wants to see, tragedy
What is Germaine determined to ascertain for his self?
Few of the same ilk have known what I felt
There's a Proverb that goes "One should know thyself"
Before one can know the world so I showed myself
The unidentified submersible, looked like a giant turtle half circle
Yo, I need to stop smoking purple
Requested selected elected, but that's only impressive to the experts
Who know how to manipulate my message, 70
You lazy and you wanna be the best? I repeat
Don't talk about consciousness when you are consciousless and weak
If I die and YOU happen to wake up, I'm still alive
Please explain my complete life story to my children
Photo stills of the cryospill
Solarized film revealed there was a biofield
Fuck a record deal, my training is real
Look at the sword I wield, you will taste my steel
Phase I, sign the MOU, pursue more voters
There's three more phases that I think you should know, 80
Phase II, build the force, Phase III, sustain Ops
Phase IV, transition of Border Patrol Cops
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si-Do
These are the tones that will activate the ohms
No telling if it will bring out the best or the worst in you
It would be a miracle if I was merciful
Are you food for the moon? Or are you in the mood for doom?
Furniture moves when I walk into a room
STRYKER BRIGADE Driver, sometimes I was GUNNER
Check points required all the concentration I could muster, 90
Special Weapons And Tactics, Professional Assassin
I don't know what he does for a living ask him
I kneel before Congress and beg for money
Submitting specifics about the operation I'm running
You gotta' love it, what was it called? The G8 Summit
"Never heard of it", no details are public
The relative radiance of the rhyme makes it shine
Increasing the star wattage with longer cycle time
Yeah, I bust the rhymes but I customize the lines
And by the looks of things I did it just in time, 100
I marched from the Halls of Montezuma to Tripoli
Physically this mission objective is killing me
I submit to the will of the creator willingly
The possibilities present a probable infinity
I looked into LL's eyes we both cried
Meteors immediately fell from the skies
I've apologized but I can't change who I am
I can change future, can't budge the past
Them pretty ass lyrics is for bitches with acrylic
Only fake n***as catch feelings over silly shit, 110
SPORTS locked and loaded, zero you in from the pillbox
Williams! How many kills you got?
The uniforms match so we all look the same from the sky
They only time they notice the difference is when we die
Is dying a wise thing? What about trying?
What about our family members back home crying?
Man made weapons Star Ship Captain etc
George Lucas showed me a full size replica
We circled for a fly over in a black KIOWA
5 soldiers including me and a pilot called Noah
He passed over a top secret dossier folder half opened, 120
I noticed the words MOSES and CONUS
MOSES is a new weapon system secret code
CONUS is the continent of the US, I suppose
The jump light lit up, Master Chief said "Let's Go!"
All right men this is what we train for
Williams you gotta go first, "if you say so, HALO", High Altitude Stay Low
Gale Winds blowing, this might be the death of me
The AIRBORNE unit in the back of me jumped out next to me
Gold chords from the organ cut down your swordsman
Tell everybody to shut the fuck up when I'm talking, 130
[Not in current version: fuel mix rich, human hydrogen slush
The rhymes are too Christ Complex like for them,]
The 1000 Bar race at an unrelenting pace
Just in case Humans ever get to World War 8
Do you believe in fate? Then how do you know?
When you finally get there, where will you go?
This ain't no joke, you think I'm joking
Everything frozen, melted, destroyed, broken
Only the chosen find a way out
Everybody move out! Stay off the main route, 140
Satellites watch me they think they got me
Right hands turn left shoulders around but it's not me
Atmospheric Re-entry a flying sighting, looked like lightening
Striking blind, what it struck was frying
Comparative image sharpness between all artists
I don't think you know what you're about to get involved in
I'll give a quadrillion dollars to be a partner
If you are still worshipping money, you are Godless
Sulphuric Nitric Acid eats through the Labyrinth
The foundation is cracking, we must take action, 150
Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth B.I.B.L.E
I take shelter in an old Missile Silo
Hip Hop is blackened pot placed next to a kettle
With my logo in it, a rigid rehomogenized metal
Millions of you are unfamiliar with what I'm saying?
Discuss it with your Chemistry Professor he will praise it
Tri Quad Quintangulate where did the signal originated?
Try to find out more information
The internal atheist outside the MATRIX
Sophia Stewart offered me a pill and said "take this"
She asked me if I was followed, I told her I wasn't
I didn't know the spy that sold me out would be my own cousin
"A populace uniformed is a populace of slaves"
Washington didn't say it quite that way
But it's something like that, you get the point I'm assuming
Poet Laureate Exclusive New Shit!
The message said "We should meet somewhere clandestine"
Professor keep heading East to the Best Western
Do not loose your bearings, keep checking your direction
"Start Session point 666 arc seconds"
The budget is huge, I have doubts about spending it
Concerning Cyclotronic Resonance, patents are pending it
Canibus aka "The Spitzberg Beast"
Gave his Bicentennial Speech on Emerald Peak
You'll need a first aid kit for the verse I spit
I am cautiously meticulous but artfully brisk
A change is beginning every molecule is spinning
Lyrics imitate the art, art imitates lyrics, can you hear it?
Signals bounce back and forth like a mirror
With flawless error, like that forever
Surface the air radar tells me where they are, 180
Are they far? I patiently watch the sweep arm
We can find them but they can't find us
Just below Mach 3 the rhymes ionizes
I'm hooked on Hip Hop, I can't live without it
You can mix this song a thousand ways I don't doubt it
The daughters of man locked in prison camps
With the sons of mothers that are too weak to dance
At least we notice damage, what do we expect
The coming super storm is gonna wipe us off the map 190
But that is not possible, that's sounds completely illogical
You must've been kicked the fuck out of school
Always remember the Reptilian agenda
"No Pulse Rendered" in the earthquake's epicentre
I found fluoride in my water supply
At the time I felt a total apathy towards dying
The ungrateful dead reoccurring images playing in my head
I was told to memorize what I was said
"With this salt I consecrate this water
May whatever it touch receive Hallowed LIGHT from THEM"
"With this sacred water I consecrate this Talisman so that
It will make ME POET LAUREATE" otherwise I'll be so depressed, oh well no
Regrets, I been toe to toe with the best, I KNOW the LEDGE
I accept all cultures colours creeds and races
Life is Life no taxonomical classification
No corruption no disruption no destruction no budget no nothing
It's never that easy you just gotta trust it
A leader I feel beleaguered to teach the truth
The Youth will refuse to follow if they don't believe you
There is strength in numbers there are numbers in strength
Nothing good comes from hatred, Love's the missing link
Even if I am in a minority of one
The truth is still the truth no matter how it's spun
My mind is prepared, Hip Hop is impaired
If you disagree with me then yours isn't there