Frozen megalopolis
Building out your screens
Hotter than a matchhead
Stretching out my kite strings
Faces; kids fucking hard in the basement
Light-sabre flavoured milkshakes; can you taste it;
It's the dark city; it's the unicorn;
Born to be better; born with a purple uniform
Frozen heart shots and jumps that's impossible;
Probably tomorrow when you still fuckin' horrible

Kiss my forehead, kiss my rollerblades
Broken toes, ripped clothes and flows from the opening;
Blood; I never knew you loved me so much
I'm still a vampire cringing at my surrogates touch;
Dark raven; making my thought predictions;
And I'm looking at the books that you made for Christmas
Making list after list of my hopeless wishes;
Suck my dick from the back like the broken bitches!

Yo, slip into the place with my face off;
Backpacks stackin' mad batches and stamp pads;
Matchin' with the mad cats;
Mish n' mash n' mingle make a killing;
Bumping villians pushing bicycle rides and bumping magic;

Molly poppin' motherfuckin' sucker face
Bubble livin' upper-case AMAZING;
Falling over crazy; future mad pretty though
Pictures in my brain making cool rap videos
Hands down, guns up, tell 'em what the fucks up
Punch ups in slomo, homo for the phobics
And drone clones in motions
Kick a fuckin' door down exploding compulsions
Naked in a ocean of coldness, fuckin' with the motion and shit;
Tryna suck the blood from my vampire dick, some hangwire shit
Leave me in peace breathe my nature
The number of the beast is the number for my agent;
Now sing with me
