Jump out the window
And I've broken all my bones
Can't even drive home
Because the DMV is closed
I clean I make my bed
I turn on music in my head
Should have got a license, when I had the chance
You gotta cry every once in a while
Do I look high
Because I feel like I'm gonna die
How did you spill another drink on me
I'm on my 16th shirt in under a week
And the washing machine is still a mystery
I'm watching Die Hard with my mom
Putting trash out on my lawn
And I still can't sleep
You gotta cry every once in a while
Do I look high
Because I feel like I'm gonna die
You gotta cry every once in a while
Do I look high
Because I feel like I'm gonna die
You gotta cry every once in a while
Do I look high
Because I feel like I'm gonna die
You gotta cry every once in a while
Do I look high
Because I feel like I'm gonna die