Your X Lover
Better Place
People will change
People will leave
You gotta grow
Lose a few leaves
They might come back
Maybe next spring
But maybe not
It's not up to me

I could fly away
To a better place
And no one would know the difference
I could fly away
To a better place
And no one would know the difference
Except me
Except me
No one except me
Except me
So I stay

I know loves supposed to be
Then please tell me
Why she uses my love
As medicinal
Oh so typical
Steal my heart
From the stars
Why’s this so difficult
For me
For me
For me For me For me

And I know you’re supposed to give
And expect nothing back
Fuck that

I’ve given all that I have
I’m all strapped for cash
Hearts black

Said I could fly away
To a better place
And no one would know the difference
I could fly away
To a better place
And no one would know the difference
Except me
Except me
No one except me
Except me
So I stay

People will change
People will leave
You gotta grow
Lose a few leaves
They might come back
Maybe next spring
But maybe not
It's not up to me