I got some real fruitcakes for ya, Doc
What's the status on the patients?
Eh, put it this way: I wouldn't turn my back on 'em
They put two of my guys in the hospital
One of 'em with facial lacerations
The other one three fingers off his hand
Really? Move 'em
This is, uh, Eagle Eye Four
[Patients have been dripped?], I'm comin' home
Attention, all available staff, please report to sector five
Immediate [?] for incoming patients
Listen, take 'em to psyche in sector five, room three forty-two
What's the story about thеse guys?
We're not payin' you to worry about thеm
Just take 'em to sector five
Whatever you say
I want them heavily sedated
Given sixty cc's of morphine
That's enough to knock out an elephant
Just do it
Do not, I repeat
Do not take out their restraints until they are heavily sedated
Do you understand?
Yes sir
John, give me sixty cc's of morphine
Here you go
How ya doin' today, buddy?
You ready for a shot?
You probably wanna get out of those restraints, don't you?
This is only gonna hurt for a second
See? Look at that
Okay, now I'm gonna let you out of these restraints
And you're gonna act civilized, right?
If you're gonna act up, we're gonna have to tie you down again
Nod if you understand
Do you think we should let these guys out [unstrapped?] [?] safe?
Yeah, man, these guys are in la la land
Go ahead
Ah! He's gone!
Breach in sector five
Breach in sector five
Patient escape
Patient escape
Possibility he's heading for the other two
Lock down sector five
Lock this motherfucker down!
Lock this motherfucker down now! Now!