Tell me what the fuck is the balance?
What the fuck is the balance?
What the fuck is the balance?
What the fuck is the balance?
Tell me, tell me
What the fuck is good?
今求めてんのはBounce, bounce, bounce
落ちて高く跳ね上がる Like a stock
このままいけば Long time
No fight と思ったけどそう上手くも行かない
What the fuck is going on
Like a Pikmin, Who is Olimar ?
気付かないうち Pikmin is growing up
止まんない 止まんない
成長が止まんない理解 Fucked up
どんどんわかってくその Mission
Is flow このまま
Is flow 心子供のまま
Tell me what the fuck is the balance?
What the fuck is the balance?
What the fuck is the balance?
What the fuck is the balance ?
Tell me
本当の混沌の時代でOh no
But 大丈夫 自分をControl
Tell me what the fuck is the balance ?
What the fuck is the balance ?
What the fuck is the balance ?
What the fuck is the balance ?
Tell me, tell me
What the fuck is good?