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(Terence Lam)
(Terence Lam)
一人之境 (Solitude) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
塵大師 (Lightly)
小林不動產 (TLP)
想創 (Wanna Create)
最想去的地方 (Where I belong)
特倫斯夢遊仙境 (Wonderland)
矛盾一生 (Contradictory Life)
邊一個發明了ENCORE (The Perfect Match Live)
靈魂出竅練習曲 (Etude Of An Out Of Body Experience)
一人之境 (Solitude)
人啊人 (Homo Sapiens)
夏之風物詩 (Summer)
多少年 (Older)
心靈作家 (Soul Writer)
怕黑 (Afraid Of Darkness)
怪我只敢做好人 (Monologue)
百年樹木 (A Centennial Tree) (The Perfect Match Live)
難道喜歡處女座 (Virgo)
可惜你是個人 (Beautifully Different)
單數 (Single)
壞與更壞 (Worse comes to worst)
某種老朋友 (Regression)
焦焦焦 (Hold On A Sec)
神奇的糊塗魔藥 (Pills)
聽風 (Wind) (The Perfect Match Live)
自由飛翔 (Free to Fly)
萬一你是個好人 (What If)
重陽 (Chung Yeung)
願 (Wish)
下一位前度 (Next)
夏之風物詩 (Summertime) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
流離者的海 (Wanderer)
磨牙 (Molar)
社交恐懼癌 (Don’t Mind Me)
記得 (Remember)
風的形狀 (Come What May)
ひまわりの約束 (Himawari no Yakusoku) (The Perfect Match Live)
你的世界 (Your World)
原罪 (Guilty)
在空中的這一秒 (Moment) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
愛情是一種法國甜品 (Macaron)
拼命無恙 (In a Funk)
時光倒流一句話 (Time)
潛水 (Diving)
空城記 (Something Missing)
鞦韆 (Swing)
世界對我們 (You And I And The World)
形影不離 (Inseparable)
心之科學 (The Science of Heart)
我心中尚未崩壞的部分 (The Unbroken Part of Me)
是但求其愛 (Love Perhaps)
無答案 (Nocturne)
瑪莉晚安了 (林家謙分擔合唱曲) (Good Night Marie)
隔離 (Quarantine) (Studio Live Duet)
難道喜歡處女座 (Virgo) (Alter Ego)
下一位前度 (Next) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
在空中的這一秒 (Moment)
小故事 (Short Story)
感覺良好 (Good Vibes)
櫻花樹下 (Under The Sakura) (The Perfect Match Live)
聽風 (Wind)
致明日的舞 (A Dance For Tomorrow)
虛擬人與我 (ME ’n WE)
飛 (Flight)
just carry on
假以時日 (As Time Passes)
原來只因深愛著 (Originally Because Of True Love)
盲婚啞嫁 (The Code)
記得 (Remember) (The Perfect Match Live)
重頭開始 (Restart)
伯利恆的主角 (The Star Of Bethlehem)
假以時日 (As Time Passes) (The Perfect Match Live)
明陣 (Labyrinth)
沒明日的恐懼 (No Tomorrow)
關於我們 (About Us)
迷失表參道 (特倫斯夢遊Remix) (Lost in Omotesando) [The Perfect Match Live]
Here (2:00 AM Version)
The Last Dance
酷愛 (Jazz Version) (Ardently Love) [The Perfect Live]
手望 (守望版) (Palm) [The Perfect Match Live]
難道喜歡處女座 (Virgo) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
某種老朋友 (Regression) (The Perfect Match Live)
一人之境 (Solitude) (The Perfect Match Live)
怪我只敢做好人 (Monologue) (The Perfect Match Live)
可惜你是個人 (Yellow Mix) (Beautifully Different) [The Perfect Match Live]
某種老朋友 (Regression) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
羅賓 (Jazz Version) (Robin) [The Perfect Match Live]
潛水 (Diving) (The Perfect Match Live)
無城有愛 (Alright) (The Perfect Match Live)
難度喜歡處女座 (Virgo) (The Perfect Match Live)
神奇的糊塗魔藥 (Pills) (The Perfect Match Live)
時光倒流一句話 (Time) (The Perfect Match Live)
流離者的海 (Wanderer) (The Perfect Match Live)
隱形遊樂場 (Imaginary Fairground) (The Perfect Match Live)
特倫斯夢遊仙境 (Wonderland) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
神奇的糊塗魔藥 (Be A Fool) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
潛水 (Diving) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
Just carry on (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
時光倒流一句話 (Regret) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
Live and Learn
記得 (Remember) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
邊一個發明了ENCORE (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
假以時日 (As Time Passes) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
笑忘書 (The Book of Laughter & Forgetting) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
Doodoodoo (with waffle) (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
Countri Boi Kingston
Good Old Days
If i die tonight (Live in Hong Kong 2022)
One Way
just carry on (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
一人之境 (Solitude) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
下一位前度 (Next) (DJ King EDM Remix)
下一位前度 (Next) (DJ King EDM Remix) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
下一位前度 (Next) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
二十五小 (25)
唱情歌的人 (The Voice Of Love)
如影隨心 (Lost In Love)
如影隨心 (Lost In Love) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
安全感 (Security)
懸崖花 (Cliff Flower)
拋物線 (Parabola)
拋物線 (Parabola) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
拼命無恙 (In a Funk) (DJ King Remix)
拼命無恙 (In a Funk) (DJ King Remix) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
拼命無恙 (In a Funk) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
救命歌 (Everything Is Alright)
時光倒流一句話 (Time) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
有什麼 (Missed)
林中鳥 (Turbulence)
特倫斯夢遊仙境 (Wonderland) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
紅線 (Red Lines)
聽風 (Wind) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
脆弱一分鐘 (The Weaken One Minute)
隔離 (Quarantine) (Studio Live Duet) (简体字/Simplified Characters)
괜찮아도 괜찮아 (Original by EXO D.O.) - Romanized
괜찮아도 괜찮아 (That’s Okay) (Cover)