Buck 65
Transcribed by onesecbeforetheend, Etze & Jimmy Dyna

Stranded. This is the land of the living dead
Children with firearms. Old ladies giving head
Zombies that shoot pool and sell used cars
Nobody gets away without a few new scars
Everything is dump and ruined in some way
The whole town ‘ll probably drown one day
It coulda gotten the best of us, if we had let it
We were stuck without an umbrella and bad credit
Me and my flame out here on our own
Probably a good 3000 miles away from home
Deep in shit to be at least in some part subtle/settled[?]
The story of my life. We were running into car trouble
Good luck and bad ain’t always easy to distinguish
We had a hard time finding some folks that spoke English
Looked upon like killers and felt like we were waste away
The night fell hard and we needed a place to stay
Our desperation being powerfully great
We ended up at this place with an hourly rate
To say the place was sketchy is putting it loosely
The owner was out of breath and sweating profusely
He lived in an apartment that was connected to the front desk
I could see into his bedroom an old[?] woman that was undressed
A terrible sight with his dirty shirt and black sandals
He looked like Peter Fonda and smelled like Jack Daniels
Our room was a bad dream, floor to the ceiling
Burn marks everywhere, the wallpaper was peeling
The bathroom was crawling with roaches and beetles
A sign above the toilet read “Don’t flush your needles.”
The towels were all yellow, the bathtub was filthy
Somebody wrote on the wall the word “guilty.”
Unable to speak, our thoughts were in brackets
We called it a night and slept in our jackets