Alex Blue
Heaven in the Worst Way
My wife and I got married
Then went to Italy this fall
Came home to a few good friends
Don't got a lot of them, but it’s enough

But it's never a surprise
Certain people like to criticize
So here's my reply

You’re like heaven in the worst way
Too high up to see straight
Praying down a cold fate
Over us
I know heaven wouldn't complain
Like you do about me
Cause all you know is my name
And who I love

It's cute that you're so worried
Trying so hard to seem genuine
Oh but sweetheart if you can't see
That we are as holy
As you think you've been

Well it's never a surprise
Certain people think I've lost my mind

You’re like heaven in the worst way
Too high up to see straight
Praying down a cold fate
Over us
I know heaven wouldn’t complain
Like you do about me
Cause all you know is my name
And who I love

See now it's the holidays
And I’ve got a lot to say
About love
I don't care how well you mean
If you don't want us free
Then I'm done