J Dilla
Closing Statements (Outro)
[Spoken Word 1: Scalladosis]
So that was The Cracked Tape by me and Lil Kori
If you got this far, uh, thanks for listening
I hope you enjoyed all the silly songs this album had to offer
Except if you're listening on shuffle
If you are, fuck you
Um, so me and Kori actually wanted to release this album on Christmas Eve
But we didn't because a bunch of the features took too long to do their verses
And so, we just-
We wanted to wait until everyone got their parts done, so we just delayed
And, so thank you
Shout out to all those features who got their verses done on such short notice
Uh, PK, Leira
Especially Andrew Lee, who gave me the idea for Outta Pocket Cypher
Thank you for that, bro
So how did this album come together?
Well back in May 2023
Me and Kori made a song called Dodo Airlines
And then, several months after that
Kori said to me, "Yo, we should make an EP together", and I was like "Fuck yeah"
And then the idea for an EP turned into a 12-song album
Like honestly, that's fucking crazy
Umm, well, I don't got much else to say
So, stay swaggy, keep grinding
I love y'all
Alright Kori, you got anything else to say?
[Spoken Word 2: Lil Kori]
Okay, anyways
Happy New Years, y'all
I don't feel like saying Hentai Gang, KF4LIFE here, but like, sm
So, this was The Cracked Tape by myself and the one and only Scalladosis
So, I'm gonna tell y'all where the idea of this spawned from
Back in like April, after me and Scalladosis that made a song called Dodo Airlines
I, like I-
I didn't know he did this, but he had pres- transcribed a
NBK song, which NBK is my side group
He had transcribed an NBK song on Genius called Devious N***a Track
And the cover to it was
The cover to it was a black version of Gru
So like we were in a Discord call talkin' about it, I was like "Hey, I found Negru"
I shared my screen, and we were both dying laughing at that goddamn image
So, we just decided to build up something around that image
And that's what spawned Cracked Tape
It was originally gonna be called Negru Chronicles or Negru or something like that
So that's why Negru's the single
And I- y'all better go stream that
But yeah, that's literally how the entirety of this album came together
So I would just like to thank everybody for getting their shit in, and shit like that
W3, Scottdell, all them n***as
But yeah, uhh
I don't think I have anything else to say, so
This is Lil Kori, speaking on behalf of Hentai Gang, KF4LIFE
Y'all all stay blessed, stay safe, stay sexy, and Happy New Year
[Spoken Word 3: Scalladosis]
Yeah, Happy New Year, what he said
Also, one last thing I forgot to mention
So like I mentioned earlier, this album was supposed to drop on Christmas Eve
But, a week before Christmas Eve, Kori said to me that he wanted to drop it on Christmas Eve
So, during that week
Both of us, we locked in, we had to lock in
I had just gotten off school for Christmas break
So, those days up until Christmas Eve, I was fully focused on-
I was in my basement making the beats, writing all the lyrics
Almost all day, every day, for hours
And we were also on Discord calls for pretty much the whole day too
Alright, that's it