Matt Martians
Intro (I Want Eargasms!)
[Game Show Host]
Hello, everybody!
And welcome to the show...
I Want Eargasms!
[Game Show Host]
...Where we take your two favorite artists
And combine them to create spectacular sounds
On today's show, we have two new contestants!
First, from Atlantis, Georgia, we have...
[Matt Martians (girl in crowd)]
Matt Martians of the Super 3
(Oooh look at that bald head)
[Game Show Host]
And coming from Chicago, Illinois
We also have...
[brandUn DeShay (girl in crowd)]
Uh, brandUn DeShay
(Oooh, he cute)
Thank you, thank you
[Game Show Host]
And today, these two will be combining to create a masterpiece
[Game Show Host]
If this masterpiece is good enough, they have a chance of winning...
A hundred sextillion dollars!
[Game Show Host]
So let's switch them up
And let's hope it comes out right
And don't touch that dial
'Cause, remember, you're watching...
I Want Eargasms!
[Game Show Host]
And now a few brief messages from our sponsors