Bullies Made Me Do It!
The Bullies Made Me Do It!
Ayee I got a shaky finger
Ain't Nobody here has to pull the trigger
I gotta find myself to pull it
All these kids telling me to do it
I think about all the names they called me all the games they played making me feel uncomfortable and be ashamed, Why do kids think its funny to make me feel this way, I just wanna live a normal life and be the same as everyone else
Is that to much ask for before I fucking shoot myself? fucking shoot myself! Or should I take the barrel shoot it to the sky let someone know I need their help need their help
I'm tired of all these feelings I need your help
I told you and you took it as a joke fucking hell. I told you I needed someone to help me to cope. There's only one way that will give me hope. Now I'm sitting here finger on the trigger ready to blow ready to blow. I pull this shit back fire it off this will be the last thing I ever wrote
As you can tell I fucking shot myself. Nobody cared I was treated like hell
Now I'm gonna go where I belong dad, I hope you're reading this I'll see you soon
Satan is waiting for you
Yeah Yeah Satan is waiting for you (x3)
Used with Russ pull the trigger instrumental with hook