I'm on the run just to have fun
Man I be run'n' in the moon and sun
Light man I wish I didn't kill that
Man in the fight man everyone's
Out of my sight man young-d and I
So tight we rule Ohio no one
Says a by'o' man no racism only
Cretinism shit cops are like
Special ops they want you to
Prove somthin to some one
So what we on the run man this
Is just so fuckin fun man
We ain't even close to bein
Done, man I need stacks for my
Transaction be who you want to
Unless your a dumbass who don't
Know what to do then y'all
Screwed go ahead pull the trigga
Then i'll send my n***a
Not my babe now im in a rage
Fool you can't keep cage turn
The page in the papers you'll
See me wanted for murder
But man I wasn't the one
Who hurt her I need to sort
This out before I doubt that
I can get this straighten
Out man I just need to shout
Ugh man i'll kill you then i'll
Bill you and your friend to
Shit just got real
Now that's the real deal
I eat pussy with every meal
Troubles are bubbles in the
Mind now that's the
King I know about
I'm gonna shout on the top
Of my lungs
Man there are so many songs
I've sung I never hang my
Head low cuz of a bad fuckin'
Man I have troubles I need
To take care of I need a
Shove off a cliff after
I smoke this spliff