Scared To Death
Swim hard through the ten thousand things
The world is an assassin with a secret grin
Keep on fighting through the pain she brings
Life is the strangest light
Keep seeking something some last step
You're a circle in a quandary in a dance with breath
You're so scared to be what you're not yet
Hoping love is its own reward

Seeking myself
I'm not there
I'm a whisper in a spectre in a gasp of air
I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death

Play dice with a great host of bones
Life is like a trickster selling pay day loans
You order bread end up sucking on stones
Maybe death has it's own accord
Some grand agreement with the stars and the moon
The adder in the meadow and of course with you
You're so scared to face the great unknown
The darkness you really need

Seeking something
That makes some sense
You're a whisper in a spectre in a drawn out breath
You're scared to death
You're scared to death
You're scared to death
You're scared to death