Tai Verdes
Sometimes I do Drugs with Tai Verdes
✧ @1:12:36 Conversation Regardingthe Song "When I Die, Remember Me Like This"Gabbie Hanna: Oh my god, I can't wait for you to hear the song I wrote yesterday, I really like this
Tai Verdes: Are you scared of death? Is- Is it- The song is about death?
Gabbie Hanna: The song is about, um-
Tai Verdes: Damn this is punky
Gabbie Hanna: I realized like- Yeah, well the sound is definitely, I'm trying to channel like Billy Idol, Freddie Mercury, on a punk rock track-
Tai Verdes: (Great, great, do it)
Gabbie Hanna: -So like that like theatrical like- it's written in male key, like it's really fucking cool but it's like it's the first time I felt like 100% authentic on a track because I was just doing what was natural, and not overthinking it, and what was not overthinking it was I need a "punk rock track," and then as soon as like I heard the track, and it just put like these lyrics of- The song is “When I Die, Remember Me Like This” and it's exactly who I want to be like if there was one thing I want to be remembered be- Like this is my embodiment in one song, remember me like this.
Tai Verdes: Ooh
Gabbie Hanna: I can’t wait