11 Hidden Symbols That Can Be Found in Famous Logos
World-famous brand logos follow us wherever we go. We see them in television commercials, on our way to work, and on T-shirts. And, in 90% of cases, we’ve no idea what meaning is hidden in those seemingly abstract lines.


The designer of the first McDonald’s restaurants came up with the idea to equip the buildings with two large golden arches. These architectural features quickly became a symbol of fast food. Later, the company wanted to abandon the logo, but psychologist Louis Cheskin persuaded the management to keep it. He argued that this symbol looked similar to an upside-down image of the female breasts and therefore reminded people of their carefree childhood.


This logo’s creation story is a very special and romantic one. Coco Chanel drew it herself while staying at Château Crémat in Nice. According to one popular legend, the world-famous symbol was inspired by the castle’s vaulted arches. Many point out the magic of the letters since “CC” represents both the first letters in the name of the castle and Coco’s initials.


The Google logo’s creators used three main colors: red, yellow, and blue. You may notice that their arrangement within the logo is subject to a specific algorithm. But the green-colored letter breaks with the overall logic, and it is clearly meant to be the most important letter in the word. With this unexpected splash of green, the designers seem to imply that Google is about breaking stereotypes and not playing by the usual rules.


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