Bad Friends
I just wanna drink some vodka with my bad friends
I just wanna smoke a blunt
With my bad friends
I just wanna add some sprite with my bad friends
I just wanna sit in my sit in my fucking benz
I just wanna drink some vodka with my bad friends
I just wanna smoke a blunt
With my bad friends
I just wanna add some sprite with my bad friends
I just wanna sit in my sit in my fucking benz

Why did we have to go throw this
Why didn't you just tell me this
Instead you took the fucking pis
Of me
This cannot go on
I just want you to see what i can be for you
But instead you see something in that other wanna be
He is not me turn around and look at me
He is not good for you
But instead you broke my heart
And i went boo hoo
Over you to
This is not you remember that i was the only one that loved you
Hugged you
Tugged you
In at night
When you were sad
But when it was me it was just too bad
This whole word is just fucking crab
So just let me take a fucking dab
For this disgrace full fucking lifetime

I just wanna drink some vodka with my bad friends
I just wanna smoke a blunt
With my bad friends
I just wanna add some sprite with my bad friends
I just wanna sit in my sit in my fucking benz
I just wanna drink some vodka with my bad friends
I just wanna smoke a blunt
With my bad friends
I just wanna add some sprite with my bad friends
I just wanna sit in my sit in my fucking benz

I don't even know no more
When you ran and slammed the fucking door
I just didn't know you cheating on me would come back to haunt me
Every night i see you in front of me
Just let me be free
Let me have a good life
Let me forget that horrible knife strif on my vains
I can still feel the pain
While i'm driving in my benz i just wanna switch lanes to forget the pains
Even tho i forgave you
You did the same thing again tho
So now i just wanna walk and talk
With myself
And be as rich as jordan bleff
I liked you remember that
Now you are just a fucking twat
That can suck on my fucking ball sack
Literally i don't even care if you hate me back
I can take that
For the record don't take any off this shit personnel

I just wanna drink some vodka with my bad friends
I just wanna smoke a blunt
With my bad friends
I just wanna add some sprite with my bad friends
I just wanna sit in my sit in my fucking benz
I just wanna drink some vodka with my bad friends