A Meeting Under The Willow Tree
So this is it, the big dead end
Let’s get this shit over with
Screw last words
Life’s not as fun when you choose
When you’re ending it
Lets not get morbid, lets not drag this out
Don’t be a coward, take your final bow
What good do last words do
When no one’s around to hear?
Why should I cry, this plot is nothing new?
No choice and nothing to look forward to
Stop stalling, you know what you have to do
This is it
What are you doing here?

AH! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Is this private property?

Oh- no, sorry, are you okay?

Yes, um, sorry I just wanted to clear my head
Is that a bottle of whisky?

Haha... yeah…

Mind if I join you?

Not at all!

I’m Cassia

I’m Grace

Is there any particular reason you’re carrying a full bottle of whisky out here?

It’s been a week, you wouldn’t believe

Try me, I’ve heard it all
My ex threatened her own life so I’d stop drinking alcohol

I guess you’re right I haven’t heard that one

I had to call the cops, it was super fun

I say we drink to that


Y’know, I haven’t had a drink in years

[GRACE] [spoken]
Well here’s to that too

UGH this tastes horrible

Really? I hadn’t noticed
What are you doing out here anyway?

Oh, uh, sorry

Don’t worry, I’m not anymore

I won’t try to make sense of that
*downs the rest of the whisky*

[GRACE & CASSIA] [sung]
I haven’t been to this old willow tree in years
It’s almost like no time has passed

I’m just a ghost of whom I used to be

Lying out here in the grass