On The News (Live)
News is at 5
It's your big day today
You are going
On to the news
Wash yourself before it is time
And make sure to brush your hair this time
It's three pm
Make sure you're there by four
Don't forget
To eat before you go
'Else you will be hungry
And nobody is there to feed you
You're on the news
Yes, it's true
Catch the tube
It's coming through
You'd better make sure
To top up your oyster card
Before you go
My oh my
At the station
You just caught the first train
You are on time
Whoopee for you
Evеrything is going to plan
You'll be there by thе snap of your hands
You just arrived
Station's five minute
Walk to the studio
In Westminster
Straighten your tie and
Scrub your hair
It's time for you to face your fear
You're on the news
Yes it's true
Five minutes till
You are due
Make sure you have remembered
Your answers before you hit the studio floor
You're on the set
Ready for interviews
When suddenly
The host walks in
Your clipped mic is clipped on your shirt
You are asked a question you know well
"Well-" Oh my god
Your voice just cracked on TV
Everyone is laughing at you
You can't undo it
You suck...
What will you do now?
You're on the news
Yes it's true
Feeling blue, you've
Lost the queue
You've embarrassed your bloodline for generations to come
Dear god...