It's time to play
Haha, come on
[Verse 1]
Okay, day-day, it's time to play
Cody can come too
Grab some chalk and find some rocks
I'll play hopscotch with you
Throw, hop
Count, hop, stop
Throw, hop
Count, hop, stop
[Verse 2]
Draw some boxes on the ground
Number them from one to ten
Take a turn
Hop a box
Use your aim
Throw your rocks
One, two, three
Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, let's hop again
Throw, hop
Count, hop, stop
Throw, hop
Count, hop, stop
[Verse 3]
Now we've got to hop right back
Look around, don't fall down
Jumping quick
In the lines
Keep on moving all the time
Ten, nine, eight
Seven, six, five
Four, three, two
One, great job, well done
Great job, well done
Throw, hop
Count, hop, stop
Throw, hop
Count, hop, stop